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Writer's pictureAndray Voronov

The Importance of the Fascial System for Human Movement & Understanding How Fascia Behaves


The fascial system is an essential component of the human body that is often overlooked. The fascial system is a connective tissue that surrounds and interconnects all of the body's organs, muscles, and bones. It plays a vital role in the movement and stability of the body, and any disruption or dysfunction of the fascial system can lead to a range of health issues.

In this article, we will explore the importance of the fascial system for human movement and how fascia behaves similar to a non-Newtonian fluid.

What is the Fascial System?

The fascial system is a complex network of connective tissues that run throughout the body. It consists of three layers: the superficial fascia, the deep fascia, and the visceral fascia. The superficial fascia is the layer just beneath the skin and contains fat and connective tissue. The deep fascia surrounds muscles and bones, providing support and structure. The visceral fascia surrounds and protects internal organs.

The fascial system is incredibly strong and flexible, capable of withstanding significant stress and tension. It also has a unique ability to transmit force and energy throughout the body. This makes it a critical component of human movement.

The Importance of the Fascial System for Human Movement

The fascial system plays a crucial role in human movement. It provides support and structure to the body, allowing for efficient and effective movement. It also helps to maintain balance and stability, which is essential for activities such as running, jumping, and lifting weights.

The fascial system also plays a role in proprioception, which is the body's ability to sense its position in space. Proprioception is essential for balance and coordination and helps to prevent injury. The fascial system is responsible for transmitting information about body position and movement to the brain, which then responds by adjusting the body's movements.

Fascia as a Non-Newtonian Fluid

Fascia behaves similarly to a non-Newtonian fluid, which means that its viscosity changes depending on the amount of force applied to it. Non-Newtonian fluids have properties that are different from those of traditional fluids, such as water, which have a constant viscosity regardless of the amount of force applied to them.

When force is applied to fascia, such as during exercise or movement, its viscosity changes, becoming more fluid-like. This allows it to transmit force and energy throughout the body more efficiently. When there is less force applied, the viscosity of the fascia increases, providing more support and stability to the body.

Examples of How Fascia Behaves Similar to a Non-Newtonian Fluid

An example of how fascia behaves similar to a non-Newtonian fluid can be seen in the movement of the arms during running. As the arms swing back and forth, they create a force that is transmitted through the fascial system. The viscosity of the fascia changes depending on the force applied, allowing the energy to be transmitted more efficiently.

Another example can be seen in the way that the fascial system responds to a sudden impact, such as landing after a jump. The force of the impact causes the fascia to become more fluid-like, allowing it to absorb the shock and protect the body from injury.


What is the fascial system?

The fascial system is a network of connective tissues that run throughout the human body. It includes everything from muscles and tendons to bones and organs, and helps to provide structure and support to the body.

How does the fascial system affect human movement?

The fascial system is involved in almost every movement the human body makes. It helps to transmit force from one part of the body to another, and also helps to coordinate movement between different parts of the body.

How does fascia behave similar to a non-Newtonian fluid?

Fascia behaves like a non-Newtonian fluid in that it can change its viscosity and flow characteristics in response to stress or pressure. This allows it to adapt to different types of movement and help protect the body from injury.

How can the fascial system be maintained and kept healthy?

There are several ways to maintain and keep the fascial system healthy, including regular exercise, stretching, and massage. Adequate hydration and a healthy diet can also help support the health of the fascial system.

What are some common problems that can occur in the fascial system?

Some common problems that can occur in the fascial system include adhesions, trigger points, and fascial restrictions. These can cause pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion, and can be treated with various therapies including massage, foam rolling, and myofascial release.


The fascial system is a crucial component of the human body, playing a vital role in movement, stability, and proprioception. Understanding how fascia behaves similar to a non-Newtonian fluid can help us to appreciate its importance and the role it plays in human movement. By maintaining the health and function of our fascial system, we can improve our overall wellbeing and prevent a range of health issues.

If you'd like to chat with an osteo in Narre Warren about fascial release techniques and how we can help improve the fascial system to optimise movement, you can get in contact with us via our contact from here. If you want to make a booking with us at the clinic visit today

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